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Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Virtual Machine Migration

IT professionals around the world are exploring application and desktop virtualization not only to accelerate their migrations but as a superior means to delivering computing services to their business users.

Experience Game-changing Virtual Machine Mobility

VMware VMotion technology, deployed in production by 70% of VMware customers*, leverages the complete virtualization of servers, storage and networking to move an entire running virtual machine instantaneously from one server to another. VMware VMotion uses VMware’s cluster file system to control access to a virtual machine’s storage. During a VMotion, the active memory and precise execution state of a virtual machine is rapidly transmitted over a high speed network from one physical server to another and access to the virtual machines disk storage is instantly switched to the new physical host. Since the network is also virtualized by VMware ESX, the virtual machine retains its network identity and connections, ensuring a seamless migration process.
VMware VMotion allows you to:
  • Perform live migrations with zero downtime, undetectable to the user.
  • Continuously and automatically optimize virtual machines within resource pools.
  • Perform hardware maintenance without scheduling downtime and disrupting business operations.
  • Proactively move virtual machines away from failing or underperforming servers.

Reliably Manage Live Migrations with Ease

Benefit from the reliability and manageability derived from a production-proven product used by thousands of customers for years. Live migration of virtual machines across your infrastructure is surprisingly simple with functionality that lets you:
  • Perform multiple concurrent migrations to continuously optimize a virtual IT environment.
  • Identify the optimal placement for a virtual machine in seconds with a migration wizard providing real-time availability information.
  • Migrate any virtual machine running any operating system across any type of hardware and storage supported by VMware ESX, including Fibre Channel SAN, NAS and iSCSI SAN.
  • Prioritize live migrations to ensure that mission-critical virtual machines maintain access to the resources they need.
  • Schedule migrations to happen at pre-defined times, and without an administrator’s presence.
  • Maintain an audit trail with a detailed record of migrations.

Let's take a closer look.

Vince Bailey

Impact of Your Virtual Environment

The resurgence of virtualization
Demands on IT managers continue to grow. Each year the addition of new
applications and increases in processing power, networking and storage continue
to accelerate. At the same time, regulatory compliance demands more
and better data protection, and globalization has made readily available data
an indispensable competitive tool.
Unfortunately, these growing demands are not matched by the resources to
support them. IT budgets haven’t kept up with increasing application or storage
needs, and fewer people are having to manage more. Compound that
with limited data center resources such as floor space, cooling and power and
the challenges can seem insurmountable. With the worldwide economy under
increasing pressure, efficient use of assets is critical now more than ever.
Fortunately, advances in technology, including virtualization, are helping
address these issues. Virtualization, while not a new market, is clearly enjoying
renewed interest. Solutions such as server virtualization are being rapidly
deployed into production environments, giving organizations the ability to
consolidate compute resources. The applications residing on the servers
aren’t the only components of the IT infrastructure that consume compute
processing power though. Network and storage resources do as well. In fact,
the cost to acquire, manage and protect storage is one of the fastest growing
data center costs. As a result, a solution in one area, such as consolidating
compute resources, does not translate to efficiencies across other high-cost
areas such as storage.
Leveraging virtualization in server and storage environments can improve
utilization, reduce costs, and simplify management. A combined server and
storage virtualization solution will create a blueprint for effective consolidation,
optimization and protection of enterprise infrastructures.
Virtualize or not?
Barriers to adoption
With so much technological innovation and attention due to the adoption of
technologies like VMware, there is still much disagreement over how to
address virtualization. This is largely due to the number and complexity of
solutions and the fact that they cross multiple disciplines.
Internal barriers. Most organizations use a variety of applications running
on different platforms. Each has its own requirements for networking and
storage resources and may have different requirements for access and availability.
Geographical distribution can further add to the challenges.
Leveraging Virtualization to Consolidate, Optimize and Protect Your IT

More on Green IT

Hi All, are you still not sure about Green IT give us a call to learn more.

Vince Bailey

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Consolidate, Optimize and Protect Your IT Infrastructure

With the resurgence of virtualization

Demands on IT managers continue to grow. Each year the addition of new
applications and increases in processing power, networking and storage continue
to accelerate. At the same time, regulatory compliance demands more
and better data protection, and globalization has made readily available data
an indispensable competitive tool.
Unfortunately, these growing demands are not matched by the resources to
support them. IT budgets haven’t kept up with increasing application or storage
needs, and fewer people are having to manage more. Compound that
with limited data center resources such as floor space, cooling and power and
the challenges can seem insurmountable. With the worldwide economy under
increasing pressure, efficient use of assets is critical now more than ever.
Fortunately, advances in technology, including virtualization, are helping
address these issues. Virtualization, while not a new market, is clearly enjoying
renewed interest. Solutions such as server virtualization are being rapidly
deployed into production environments, giving organizations the ability to
consolidate compute resources. The applications residing on the servers
aren’t the only components of the IT infrastructure that consume compute
processing power though. Network and storage resources do as well. In fact,
the cost to acquire, manage and protect storage is one of the fastest growing
data center costs. As a result, a solution in one area, such as consolidating
compute resources, does not translate to efficiencies across other high-cost
areas such as storage.
Leveraging virtualization in server and storage environments can improve
utilization, reduce costs, and simplify management. A combined server and
storage virtualization solution will create a blueprint for effective consolidation,
optimization and protection of enterprise infrastructures.
Virtualize or not?
Barriers to adoption
With so much technological innovation and attention due to the adoption of
technologies like VMware, there is still much disagreement over how to
address virtualization. This is largely due to the number and complexity of
solutions and the fact that they cross multiple disciplines.
Internal barriers. Most organizations use a variety of applications running
on different platforms. Each has its own requirements for networking and
storage resources and may have different requirements for access and availability.
Geographical distribution can further add to the challenges.

Follow the link if you would like to read the white paper.

Vince Bailey

Let's look at something new Desktop Virtualization

Learn how to solidify your virtual desktop strategy and discover the following three approaches to working with user environments

These guys have some great products more about them in the next blog.

Vince Bailey

The Case for Scale-Out NAS

The Case for Scale-out NAS

There is a dark cloud looming in storage. Over the last decade, conventional storage platforms have been
able to keep up with the demand for ever higher capacity systems at a lower cost per GB, however, the
real specter on the horizon is severe and inevitable performance degradation. This degradation of
performance is critical because most organizations rely on a scalable facility for servicing I/O to rapidly
deliver information to aid in revenue generation. Indeed, resolving the storage I/O performance bottleneck
becomes even more critical in a soft economy, when profits are the most elusive.
What's Causing the Storage I/O Bottleneck?
Multi-tenant workloads are at the heart of the problem. Multi-tenant workloads are also known as
concurrent/aggregate workloads in which data is shared between multiple users or applications and
accessed concurrently by multiple users of the same shared storage resource. These shared workloads
and resources are no longer relegated to a few isolated companies whose performance demands are on
the fringe of mainstream data center environments. In fact, any organization that is deploying a server
virtualization project has by definition a multi-tenant workload demand.
There are three basic elements of performance in a data center; the processing power harnessed by
servers, the network harnessed by switches and routers, and the storage which consists of the disks
harnessed by SAN and NAS controllers also referred to as "NAS Heads". Each of these elements are
under constant strain to keep up with the digital demands of their users. Servers and networks have kept
pace through added performance and intelligently utilizing that performance, but storage has not kept
pace and has become the bottleneck of the enterprise. Now this storage bottleneck has moved beyond
being an IT problem and has created a perilous situation for the organization as a whole.
Of the two elements that have kept pace with the growing digital demand, compute capability has kept
pace via increased performance and increased core density, as well as increased intelligence through
server virtualization and scale-out clustering or grid infrastructures. Networks similarly have kept pace
with increased bandwidth capacity and intelligent use of that capacity through QoS, prioritization, and
efficient use of wide area connectivity.
Meanwhile, storage performance has not kept pace. Instead it has remained frozen in the same
architectural design for at least a decade; a high performance SAN or NAS controller pair that drives an
increasing number of disks. While increasing the number of drives can improve performance, there is a
limit to the number of drives these controller pairs can support as well as a limit to the amount of inbound
traffic they can sustain. This controller (SAN) or head (NAS) is now the primary bottleneck, limiting
improved storage performance.
Storage I/O vs. Multi-tenant Workloads
To compound this problem, the workload is now changing. Workloads are now multi-tenant with multiple
shared servers and networks trying to access storage in this out-dated model. Prior to multi-tenant
workloads, a single application coming from a single server could only create a limited number of
requests. Multi-tenant workloads, running either through multiple virtual machines on a single physical
server or through a single application scaled across many physical servers in a cluster or grid, can now
generate hundreds if not thousands of requests for storage I/O.
The impact is that these requests saturate the storage controller (or head) and the applications or servers
have to wait for it to catch up, which in turn delays processing, eventually costing organizations money
and limiting productivity.
A multi-tenant workload is one that typically has multiple owners or users at any given point in time. The
presence of these multi-tenant workloads is increasing in quantity and in capacity. They are no longer
uniquely restricted to a limited number of enterprises but are in fact very common in some form in almost
every enterprise today. Many enterprises now have multiple sources of these workloads.

At a minimum any organization implementing server virtualization today can have multi-tenant workloads;
in some cases 20 or 30 virtual servers coming from a single physical server. NAS storage systems have
become one of the preferred methods for delivering storage services to the virtual hosts and the access
patterns of the virtual machines are inherently random. Storage performance scaling in virtual
environments becomes critical as one or more virtual machines begin to consume all the available
storage I/O resources which then adversely affects performance across all the other virtual machines on
that host, creating a domino effect of lowered performance and lowered confidence in the virtualization
Beyond the very common virtual server use case, there is also a rise in the more traditional case of multitenant
workloads; multiple processing servers grinding through a job. These workloads are not limited to
the common example of simulation jobs similar to those found in chip designs or processing SEG-Y data
in the energy sector. There are many others; DNA sequencing in bioinformatics, engine and propulsion
testing in manufacturing, surveillance image processing in government, high-definition video in Media and
Entertainment, and many Web 2.0-driven projects.
Storage I/O performance is critical in these environments because work essentially stops while the
processing or simulation job completes. When these jobs stop, so typically does the organization’s ability
to create revenue. To get around these delays timing of job runs becomes critical to minimize user impact
but even with the best planning possible, user productivity will suffer. When that productivity suffers, so
does organizational profitability.
Another compounding factor is that all of these data sets have increased in complexity in recent years,
becoming more granular, shifting to three dimensions, or significantly increasing color depth. This
granularity not only increases the physical size required to store this data but also the processing and
storage I/O required to create, modify, analyze or test the data.
In all cases reliable, predictable, scalable storage I/O performance is critical.
For example, an integrated circuit designer may need to run a simulation on a particular chip design. As
with other environments, this data set is becoming significantly more complex and detailed. In the case of
chip design, the chips become smaller or the number of functions on the chip increase. There is a
tremendous need in these environments for synthesis and regression testing. As a result the time
required to process a simulation of the chip takes longer and longer. It is not uncommon for this type of
job to take from three days to an entire month to run. There are two bottlenecks in this process; the time
required for the CPU to process the data and the time for the storage to read and write the simulation
In the virtual server example, the VMs are almost purely random by nature. While the virtual machines
don't have to wait for a particular VM to finish its task, if one VM becomes busy it can dramatically impact
performance of the other systems. As in the case of simulation-type workloads, the storage I/O pattern on
these systems is as large as it is random.
The Storage I/O Bottleneck
While it is necessary to address all of the performance bottlenecks, computer, network and storage, often
the most challenging for these environments is handling the storage bottlenecks. The compute
bottlenecks are well understood and can be dealt with by allocating a higher quantity of faster processors
through techniques like clustered and grid computing or simply leveraging Moore's law:
In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore noticed the number of transistors per square inch on integrated
circuits had doubled every year since their invention. Moore predicted the trend would continue for the
foreseeable future. Since then the power of microprocessor technology doubles and its costs of
production fall in half every 18 months.

In similar fashion, networking has increased bandwidth via techniques like trunking or multi-homing.
These techniques will adequately handle the compute and network element of the bottleneck and are also
well understood.
Storage on the other hand has not benefited by a similar Moore's law. While capacities have continued to
increase, speed of the disk system has not. This leads to the use of more disk per controller or head and
results in the storage I/O bottleneck.
What is lacking from most storage manufacturers is a similar scale-out model, as the current dual
controller systems quickly become saturated by these workloads, especially many NAS-based systems.
Because of the shared nature of these systems, Network Attached Storage (NAS) should be an ideal
storage platform for multi-tenant workloads. Unfortunately because of these workloads’ highly random
data access patterns and very high number of storage I/O requests, either from a single server with
multiple requests in the virtual server example, or a single application making requests from multiple
physical servers, single or even clustered, NAS heads and ports can quickly become a severe bottleneck.
The result is that many organizations turn to a shared SAN, which is not by its nature shared, nor is it as
easy to manage as a single NAS file system. It too will still lead to bottlenecked storage performance,
which again not only slows the business down, limits employee productivity, and eventually loses the
organization money, but also adds greater complexity to an already complex environment.
In either the SAN or NAS case, job runs tend to produce a significant number of sequential and random
writes requiring an equally large amount of very random reads. This is a deadly combination that renders
most cache on these storage systems useless because they are too small to have a high degree of cache
hits. The result is that in addition to these bottlenecks most if not all requests have to come from the drive
mechanism, not the cache that supports it, further lowering performance.
Solving the Storage I/O Problem
As these workloads become more prevalent across the enterprise, the ideal solution is to solve the NAS
bottleneck and establish an easy to manage, high-performance NAS infrastructure -- for many
organizations it has become an absolute imperative.
One potential solution is to apply the same methodology behind clustered computing to the storage I/O
platform. Build a scale-out NAS solution that increases both storage I/O performance and storage I/O
bandwidth in parallel to each other. This would allow for the scaling of the environment, as the workload
demanded it. Additionally it would also allow coherent use of memory within the NAS solution creating a
very large but cost-effective cache. Finally it would keep the inherent simplicity of a NAS environment as
opposed to the more complex shared SAN solution.
An increasing number of customers are searching for ways to solve the challenge brought on by multitenant
workloads and are being challenged first to identify where the performance problem is, and then to
solve the problem. In short they are struggling with using legacy storage to address a modern challenge.
Using Legacy Storage to Address a Modern Challenge
While the demand for capacity is being met, although not perfectly, the need for a scalable I/O model for
storage is not keeping pace. This is particularly true when compared to the scalable models that are being
implemented for compute and network performance. As a result, storage professionals are spending an
inordinate amount of time trying to design solutions to address these performance issues but are being
severely limited by legacy solutions.

Confirming a Storage I/O Problem
The first step before creating a solution to a storage I/O performance problem is to validate exactly where
in the environment that problem exists.
When identifying a storage bottleneck it makes sense to first look at overall CPU utilization within the
compute infrastructure. If utilization is relatively low (below 40%), then the compute environment is
spending 60% of its time waiting on something. What it is typically waiting on is storage I/O.
To confirm the existence of a storage bottleneck, system utilities like PERFMON provide metrics which
offer insight into disk I/O bandwidth. If there is not much variance between peak and average bandwidth,
then storage is likely the bottleneck. On the other hand, if there is a significant variance between peak
and average disk bandwidth utilization but CPU utilization is still low, as outlined above, then this is a
classic sign of a network bottleneck.
In the legacy model of a single application to a single server environment, the first step is to add
disk drives to the array and build RAID groups with a high population of drive spindles. The problem is
that a lone application on a single server can only generate so many disk I/O requests simultaneously
and to perform optimally, each drive needs to be actively servicing a request. In fact, most manufacturers
recommend that an application generate two requests per drive in the RAID group to ensure effective
spindle utilization. As long as there are more simultaneous requests than there are drives, adding more
drives will scale performance until you saturate the storage system controller or NAS head.
The legacy model, in most cases, can't generate enough I/O requests to feed drive mechanisms and
saturate the performance capabilities of the controller or NAS head. In fact, the traditional storage
manufacturers are counting on the legacy model, because any other scenario exposes a tremendous
performance-scaling problem with their systems.
Storage Performance Demands of the Modern Data Center
The modern data center no longer resembles the legacy model. In general, the modern data center
consists mainly of high performance virtualization servers that participate in what is effectively a large
compute cluster for applications. Each of the hosts within these clusters has the potential to house
multiple virtual servers; each with its own storage I/O demands. What initially began as servers
merely hosting 5 to 10 virtual machines has led to servers with the potential to hold 20 to 30 virtual
machines per server.
Today, 30 very random workloads per host in the virtualized cluster, easily scaling up to 300+ physical
machines in a virtual cluster supporting 1,000 plus virtual workloads is not uncommon, driving multiple
storage I/O requests. Consequently, current VM environments can easily demand high drive counts within
storage arrays. This significantly heightens the risk of saturating the controllers or heads of current
storage platforms.
Furthermore, in many environments there are specialized applications that are the inverse of virtualization
-- a single application is run across multiple servers in parallel. As stated earlier these applications are not
limited to a few commonly cited examples of simulation jobs but cover a broad range of projects. Many, if
not most, companies now have one or multiple applications that fall into this category. As is the case with
server virtualization, these applications can create hundreds if not thousands of storage I/O
requests. Once a high enough concentration of disk drives is configured in an array, the limiting
performance factor shifts from drive resource availability to a limit on the number of I/O requests that can
be effectively managed at the controller level.

The Key Issues
The modern data center now faces two key issues. First, because of the high storage I/O request nature
of these environments, even if adding drive count to the system scales performance, there is often a
limitation on the size of the file system. This limitation forces the use of very low capacity drives which
considerably increases the expense of the system. Alternatively, if drives that strike a better price for
capacity ratio are used, the file system size limitation also limits the population of drives that can be
added to a file system assigned to a particular workload, thus limiting the overall performance potential.
Neither option is ideal. The challenge is that storage systems have to continually evolve to provide ever
higher drive counts and capacities to achieve efficiencies that make sense. Likewise, file systems must be
able to leverage increasingly higher disk drive counts in order to play into the efficiencies of that model.
Regardless, higher drive counts will eventually lead to saturation of the storage controller or NAS head.
This is the reason that there is typically a performance bell curve on storage system specification. While a
given storage system may support 100 drives, it may reach its peak performance at only half its published
capacity -- 50 drives.
Searching for a High Performance Storage Solution
As discussed, throwing drive mechanisms at the problem quickly exposes a more difficult bottleneck to
address -- the storage controller or NAS head. The traditional solution to this bottleneck was to add
increasingly more horsepower in a single chassis. If it was eventually going to require a V12 engine to fix
the storage controller, buy the V12. With the equivalent of a V12 storage controller or NAS head engine in
place, disk drive count would have a chance to scale to keep up with storage I/O requests. This V12
storage engine often has additional storage I/O network ports connecting the SAN or NAS to the storage
There are several flaws with this technique. First, especially in a new environment or for a new project,
there may not be a need for that much processing power upfront. If all that is required is a V4, why pay for
a V12 now? This is especially true for technology where the cost of additional compute power will
decrease dramatically in price over the next couple of years. In essence purchasing tomorrow’s compute
demand at today's prices results in a dramatic waste of capital resources.
Second, it is likely that as the business grows and the benefits to revenue creation and CAPEX controls
of server virtualization or compute clustering are realized, there will be a need to scale well beyond the
current limitations of the V12 example. The problem is there is no way to simply add two more cylinders to
a V12. Instead, a whole new engine must be purchased.
This requirement may come from the need to support additional virtualization hosts with even denser
virtual machines or increased parallelism from a compute grid. It could also come from the storage
controller or NAS head being saturated by the number of drives it has to send and receive requests.
Unfortunately, the upgrade for most storage systems is not granular. If all that is needed is more inbound
storage connectivity, the whole engine must be thrown out.
“Throwing the engine out” has a dramatic impact well beyond the additional cost of a new engine. Now
work must all but stop while decisions are made as to what data to migrate, when to start the migration
and then wait for the migration to complete. This, especially in some of the simulation environments
where data sets can be measured in the hundreds of TB's, could take weeks if not longer to migrate.
Finally, even if the organization could justify the purchase of a V12 storage engine, rationalize the
eventual need to buy a V16 in the future and deal with the associated migration challenges, there is still
the underlying problem of file system size. Most file systems are limited to a range of 8 to 16TB's. While
some have expanded beyond that they do so at the risk of lower performance expectations.

As stated earlier, the impact of limited file system size is manifested in both the inherent limit itself as well
as the limited number of spindles that can be configured per file system. Again if higher capacity but
similar performing drives are purchased, it no longer takes many drives to reach the capacity limitations of
a file system.
File system limitation also impacts the speed at which new capacity can be brought online and made
available to users. While many storage solutions feature live, non-disruptive disk storage capacity
upgrades and some even allow for uninterrupted expansion of existing LUNs or file systems, these
niceties break when a file system reaches its limit.
When a file system is at its maximum size, the new capacity has to be assigned to a new file system.
Then time has to be spent deciding which data to migrate to the new file system. In this instance, down
time often is incurred while the data move takes place.
One potential work around for limited file size is virtualized file systems that logically sew two disparate
file systems together, even when the components of the file systems are on different storage controller
heads. While these solutions work well to help with file system and storage management, they do little to
address storage performance challenges. This is because the level of granularity is typically at a folder
level or lower. As a result, the individual heads or storage controllers cannot simultaneously provide
assistance to a hot area of a particular file system and once again the single head or controller becomes
the bottleneck.
As stated earlier NAS is potentially a preferred platform for these applications but many customers look to
a SAN to address some of the performance problems. Reality is that both storage types have the similar
limitation of being bottlenecked at the data path going into the storage controller or NAS head, or being
bottlenecked at the processing capability of the controller/head itself.
The Answer is in front of us
The answer for solving the storage I/O problem is to leverage the same technology that moved the
bottleneck to the storage in the first place. Scale-out the storage environment similarly to the
infrastructure now common in the compute layer. By developing the clustered approach pioneered by
Isilon's Scale-out NAS, infrastructure drive spindles can be added to match the number of requests by the
compute platform on a pay as you grow basis without worrying about hitting the performance wall of
legacy storage systems.
Solving the Storage I/O Performance Bottleneck with Scale-out NAS
A performance bottleneck caused by multi-tenant workloads and server virtualization, that users have to
"live with", can cost companies revenue, customers, or a competitive advantage, all of which may
adversely affect profits and long-term viability.
As stated earlier, for many storage engineers the gold standard for improving performance is simply
adding more hard disk drive mechanisms to the storage system. This approach only works, however, as
long as there are more requests from the storage system than there are drives to service those requests.
As a result, storage performance will continue to scale as drives are added. In this scenario, most server
applications eventually become their own storage bottleneck because at some point they will not be
capable of generating enough requests to the storage system to sustain drive additions. The challenge
that multi-tenant workloads introduce is they can easily generate more requests than conventional
storage systems can support---regardless of drive count. Essentially the bottleneck moves from a lack of
available disk drive mechanisms for servicing I/O to the storage controller or NAS head itself.

The solution for this problem is found within the very same high I/O workloads that created it to begin with
-- server virtualization and/or grid compute environments. These environments allow multiple tenant
applications to either live on a single physical server or allow a single application to scale across many
servers. The same architecture design is now available for storage. In fact, companies like Isilon Systems
are providing scale-out NAS built on a clustered architecture that allows for a scalable, high IOPS NAS to
address both short term and long term storage I/O performance bottlenecks.
Symmetric Architecture
The first step in designing scale-out NAS storage is to base it on a symmetrical architecture that enables
a series of nodes to be grouped together to act as a single entity. In this clustered architecture, multiple
industry standard servers can be equipped with SAS drives and network connections to form a node.
Each node can be bonded together through either an Infiniband Network or an IP Network.
Symmetrically Aware File System
Individual nodes are united through software intelligence to create a symmetrically aware file system
capable of leveraging disparate components into a single entity. When this file system is applied to the
hardware nodes, it creates a high IOPS NAS cluster that can address the challenges of today's – and
tomorrow's – multi-tenant workloads.
Eliminating the Storage Compute Bottleneck
As stated earlier, with the emergence of multi-tenant workloads, no matter how large a traditional storage
system is scaled, no matter how many drives are used, eventually the I/O capabilities of the storage
compute engine become the bottleneck. The value of a scale-out NAS configuration is that the storage
compute engine is no longer confined to a single system and a single set of controllers or heads, as is the
case in a traditional NAS.
With a symmetrically aware file system, such as OneFS® from Isilon, each node in the cluster provides
storage compute resources. In fact, it can also ensure that all the nodes in the cluster actively participate.
By comparison, some clustered storage solutions must designate a primary set of nodes, typically two, for
each request. While these systems benefit from the redundancy of a cluster, they often have the same
performance bottleneck of a traditional NAS.
With a cluster-aware file system, each file is broken down into small blocks and those blocks are
distributed throughout nodes on the cluster. As a result, when a file is needed, multiple nodes in the
cluster are able to deliver the data back to the requesting user or application. This dramatically improves
overall performance, especially when hundreds, if not thousands, of these requests are made
simultaneously from a multi-tenant application.
Compared to traditional storage solutions where performance flattens out long before the system reaches
its theoretical maximum drive count, the symmetrical design of a scale-out NAS system allows
performance to scale linearly as nodes are added. Each node in the cluster delivers additional storage
capacity in the form of drives, additional cache memory, storage network I/O in the form of inter-cluster
connections, and additional connections out to the users. What’s more, each node contains additional
processing power capable of addressing both external and internal (such as replication, backup, snapshot
management and data protection) requests.

The Case for Scale-Out NAS

Beyond Enterprise Reliability
Since multi-tenant environments often support hundreds of applications, it is critical that they actually
provide higher levels of reliability beyond the standard “five 9’s” offered by enterprise-class storage
systems. A failure in storage can affect hundreds of applications or the performance of a mission-critical,
revenue-generating compute cluster. These workloads also can't be subject to a one size fits all RAID
protection scheme. Some applications or even specific files may demand specialized data protection so
they can remain operational beyond multiple drive or node failures.
The symmetrical nature of a clustered high IOPS NAS typically delivers beyond enterprise-class reliability.
First, there is the inherent value of any clustered environment due to the redundant nodes. When coupled
with a file system, like Isilon's OneFS that is fully storage cluster-aware, the platform can deliver granular
levels of protection at an application or even file level. This allows for not only data availability and
accessibility, in the case of multiple drive or node failures, but also rapid recovery.
Conventional storage systems that are limited to two controllers or heads must process the rebuilding of a
failed drive in conjunction with its other tasks. As a result, these systems can take 10+ hours to recover
today's high capacity drives. Furthermore under a full load, the time to recover can increase to 20 hours
or more. Multi-tenant workloads by their very nature are almost always under a full load and as a result,
incur the worst case rebuild times.
Cost-Effective - Pay as you Grow Performance
Finally, performance has to be cost-effective and justifiable. Theoretical high-end storage systems provide
a top level of performance by utilizing specialized and expensive processors. Until the environment's
storage performance demands scale to match the capabilities of these processors, the investment in
them represents wasted capital. Ironically, soon after the environment’s performance demands have
matched the capability of the specialized and expensive processor, they quickly scale right past the
capabilities of that processor. What is needed is a solution that can start with a small footprint and scale
modularly to keep pace with the growth of the environment.
Scale-out NAS is the embodiment of a pay as you grow model. The cluster can start at the precise size
required to meet the performance and capacity demands of the environment, allowing the upfront
investment to match the current need. Then as the environment grows, nodes can be added which
improve each aspect of the storage cluster -- capacity, storage performance and storage network
Most importantly, like their compute cluster brethren, NAS storage clusters can take advantage of
industry-standard hardware to keep costs down and enable the NAS cluster vendor to focus on the
abilities of the storage system, not on designing new chips.
The challenge of multi-tenant workloads can ideally be addressed by a highly scalable but cost-effective
NAS. A scale-out NAS storage system allows you to leverage the simplicity of NAS – maximizing IT
efficiency while at the same time outpacing the performance capabilities of most legacy storage
architectures. Any organization planning to deploy a multi-tenant workload, whether it is as common as a
virtualized server environment or a more specialized revenue-generating compute cluster or application,
should closely examine a scale-out NAS solution to fulfill their storage needs.

Copyright® 2009 Storage Switzerland, Inc. - All rights reserved
Prepared by: George Crump, Senior Analyst

Storage Virtualization

This podcast will cover snapshots and how they make backup operations more efficient. It will also reveal what factors you should consider before implementing snapshots. Listen to this podcast for an overview of how snapshot technologies can drive efficiencies in your data center.

Vince Bailey

The Case for Virtual Desktops: Scale and VMware

The Case for Virtual Desktops: Scale and VMware

Download The-Case-for-Virtual-Desktops

When evaluating a virtualization strategy, it is important to think about Cost, Control and Convenience. To illustrate how Cost, Control and Convenience can e!ect your environment, we’ve crafted a real-world case study.

Take a look.

Vince Bailey

Backup and recovery of VMware

Backup and recovery of VMware environments with HP Data Protector software

The case for virtualization is compelling. But virtual servers present unique challenges where systems management is concerned and this is particularly true when it comes to storage, backup and recovery. In this webcast we'll explore these challenges and what you can do about them.

Backup and recovery of VMware environments with HP Data Protector softwareThe case for virtualization is compelling. But virtual servers present unique challenges where systems management is concerned and this is particularly true when it comes to storage, backup and recovery. In this webcast we'll explore these challenges and what you can do about them.sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Company
Great webcast.

Vince Bailey